Our Idaho Digital Learning Professional Development team has launched a new Idaho Digital Learning monthly virtual support, called #OffroadPD, with strategies, videos, and resources for blended and online learning that support instructional technology integration. These support documents have been inspired by common questions and needs that our team has collected from our work with schools and districts around the state.
Each month you will find an #OffroadPD Youtube video that will introduce the topic. Within the description of the video, you will find a link to a support document with a variety of resources for you to explore.
We would like to invite you and your team to join us in our Google+ Community, where we have an area dedicated to #OffroadPD virtual monthly supports, a place to connect with others around the state, and a place to ask questions to a community of educators who are incorporating blended and/or mastery learning into their classroom. Please feel free to share with any educator, who might benefit from this collaboration. Check it out here!
Starting February 1st, we will have a technology integration tip of the day posted in our Idaho Digital Learning Professional Development G+ Community.
Join us on Youtube and Twitter!
We are excited to share these resources with you all!
Feature Presentation
Archived Virtual Support
January #OffroadPD Video – https://youtu.be/jSnOXvlVSS4
January Virtual Support – Blended/Mastery
December #OffroadPD Video – https://youtu.be/rea0OvSyk18
December Virtual Support – Blended/Mastery
November #OffroadPD Video – https://youtu.be/EbpdkvgthEY
November Virtual Support – Blended/Mastery