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IDLA professionals provide solutions, options, and opportunities to students, schools, and districts across the state. At IDLA, our staff has a positive impact on the lives of Idaho students as we consciously keep them at the heart of every decision we make. IDLA employees are committed to delivering a high-quality, technology-based education that equips students with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed.
Career opportunities
Part-time applicant FAQ
We appreciate your interest in becoming a part-time online instructor for Idaho Digital Learning Alliance Idaho’s state-sponsored, accredited, online course provider. This section provides answers to some frequently asked questions related to teaching for Idaho Digital Learning Alliance. We hope it will prove useful as you decide whether or not online teaching is for you.
Employment preference is given to applicants residing in Idaho; out-of-state applicants may still apply.
Instructors receive between $90 and $175 per student, depending on the course. A $35 per student bonus is available for teachers who meet specific criteria on the Idaho Digital Learning Alliance evaluation teaching rubric.
Principals receive between $129 to $258 per course, depending on the course length. Principals will receive a per-semester $100 payment for each active teacher they evaluate and have the ability to earn an annual $75 bonus per active teacher.
Elementary Instructors:
$182 for Launchpad
ECC the rate:
Note: Designated internal professional development is required for continued course offerings and possible bonus qualifications.
Teaching assignments are made by the Idaho Digital Learning Alliance Instruction Team and are based on teacher workload, previous performance, and student achievement. Teaching assignments vary according to student enrollment and cannot be guaranteed from semester to semester or year to year.
Principal assignments are made by the Idaho Digital Learning Alliance Supervision Team. The number of courses assigned to principals is determined by the total number of courses offered during a session, principal performance, and availability.
The number of classes overseen at any one time varies depending on enrollments, sections, and principal availability. Typically, a new principal can expect to oversee between four and eight sections at one time; more experienced principals may supervise up to 15 courses per semester.
Class size varies between 10-30 students depending on available enrollments. Part-time instructors are expected to spend at least an average of 10 hours per week/per course.
Note: Idaho Digital Learning Alliance courses are offered in six- (Dr Ed only), nine-, 12- and 16-week formats. Many classes run in alignment with local district calendars and may vary in length throughout the year. All classes, regardless of length, contain the same curriculum.
Idaho Digital Learning Alliance rewards instructors who go beyond the minimum requirements of the job by using a bonus rubric as a tool for evaluating instructors’ performance.
Each course is assigned an online principal. Online principals perform regular evaluation “walkthroughs” over the duration of a course and complete a final evaluation at the end of a course. Online principals provide feedback to teachers regularly. The final evaluations are used to determine teachers’ bonus eligibility.
Part-time employees must provide their own computer and internet access. Instructors and principals are required to follow their district’s guidelines on using district equipment for outside employment. Speak with your tax advisor about possible deductions related to equipment used to teach with Idaho Digital Learning Alliance.
New Idaho Digital Learning Alliance instructors begin with a course developed by Idaho teachers, with lesson plans, discussions, tests, assignments, and labs all ready to go. This ensures consistency among classes and frees the instructor to focus their energy on interacting with the students. Instructors are expected to grade assignments, provide feedback, moderate discussion boards and real-time sessions, while maintaining communication with students, their parents, and their home school districts.
IDLA’s internal training focuses on both the pedagogy and the practicalities of effective online teaching and is required before a course is assigned to you. All Idaho Digital Learning Alliance instructors are required to attend the June Summer Conference and complete an internal professional development course annually to be considered for future teaching assignments. Summer conference attendance, participation, and training are required every year.
All new instructors must participate in the online training(s) prior to, during, and after the Summer Conference to qualify and receive fall course assignments. Consistent Just In Time (JIT) training session attendance, as well as consistent attendance of meetings held via web conferencing or in person, may also be required as defined by the instructor rubrics.
New principals start by completing an online orientation and then attend our annual summer conference, followed by participation in online professional development. Initial training will include training alongside new teachers and completion of the Supervising Online for IDLA course. Summer Conference attendance, completion of one professional development credit every 15 months, and monthly JIT training are required to receive teacher assignments.
Principals should be knowledgeable about online learning and have supervision experience. Principals should also be familiar with the Danielson Framework and apply the rubric to instruction.
A principal’s responsibilities include:
- Overseeing assigned classes
- Supporting Idaho Digital Learning Alliance teachers through conflict resolution
- Overseeing student discipline and safety
- Communicating with the local school as needed
- Providing general administrative leadership
Workloads are heaviest prior to the start of a session, before each course walkthrough (approximately once every 14 days), and at the end of each section. Principals are expected to maintain a consistent presence in each of their courses and answer communications within a 24-hour period.