Semiconductors: Driving Innovation in Motorcycles and Beyond
Did you know that almost every industry uses semiconductors? They are hiding where you would least expect it.
The Future of AI in Education: Augmentation or Replacement?
By Ryan Gravette, IDLA Director of Technology Some of the funny quotes about AI recently are related to wanting AI to do the laundry and dishes so we can do the writing, art, and poetry, not vice versa. At first, these generate a chuckle, but the quote relates to using AI to replace traditional human […]
Discover the Future with Semiconductors
By Jolene Montoya, IDLA Director of Curriculum Did you know right here in Idaho something super cool is happening? It’s all about semiconductors, the tiny things inside electronics like your phone and game consoles. And guess what? You don’t need to live in a big city to be part of this awesome tech world. Even […]
By Jeff Simmons, IDLA Superintendent During the legislative session each year, getting caught up in the negative is easy. We quickly spotlight issues that are not resolved or not resolved to the preference of some. However, with the negatives in each session, there are also positives, and many positives are drowned out in each session […]
Reflections from DLAC
Originally posted by: Digital Learning Collaborative, March 21, 2024Written by: John Watson Now that we’re a few weeks removed from DLAC, it seems like a good time to reflect on what we saw there. I’ll start with a key caveat, though—at a conference with hundreds of sessions and more than 1700 attendees, any person’s view is going […]
Our Outward Mindset
The system we use at IDLA to develop our team culture encourages each team member to be “outward-minded.” Being outward-minded defines how each of us looks at others. When I look at another person, do I see them as someone valued and important? Or, when I look at another person, do I see them as […]
What’s Your Why?
Simon Sinek has a well-known Ted Talk about starting with why. For those who haven’t seen it, I would encourage you to watch it before reading the rest of this post. For those who would like a quick summary, here goes… When asked what you or your company do, you usually start with what you […]
Student Spotlight: Brenna McDonald
In this IDLA Student Spotlight, we are thrilled to feature Brenna McDonald, a remarkable 7th grader at the Idaho School for the Deaf and Blind. Brenna has been navigating her educational journey with determination and enthusiasm through IDLA online classes. Brenna’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of accessible education, […]
House Bill 452
Those of you who are legislative junkies may have noticed House Bill 452. This bill is legislation that proposes an update to IDLA’s funding formula. “Why is IDLA updating their funding formula?” you may ask yourself. Here’s the “why” behind House Bill 452. IDLA’s Strategic Plan Goal 6.1 states, “Ensure IDLA sustainability through fiscal responsibility […]