To receive college credit from a Dual Credit course, students must register with both IDLA and the college or university offering the credit. If students are using Advanced Opportunities funding to pay for the cost of their college credits, they must also be registered in the state Advanced Opportunities Portal. The following is a checklist to help ensure students complete the registration process. Note that the specific registration forms and deadlines for each college and university will differ. Students are strongly encouraged to review each college or university’s information below for up-to-date contact information, as well as links to registration materials for each institution.

Read through each tab below to learn the requirements for enrolling in a Dual Credit course offered by Idaho Digital Learning Alliance.

  • Talk to your parents/guardian and your school Site Coordinator/counselor about Dual Credit courses offered through Idaho Digital Learning Alliance.
  • A full list of course offerings can be found on the IDLA Course Catalog
  • Be sure to review the syllabus for the course to make sure you meet any prerequisite requirements prior to registering.
  • Work with your Site Coordinator/counselor to register for the course through Idaho Digital Learning Alliance.
  • Check your registration confirmation email for the course start date and other important information.
  • Order books if required. This will be indicated on your registration confirmation email and is also available in the course syllabus.
  • Talk to your parents/guardian and your school Site Coordinator/counselor about the benefits and drawbacks of college credit available through a Dual Credit course. 
  • Register as a student through the college or university offering credit in your course.
  • Once registered as a student, enroll in the college course section before the college enrollment deadline. To do so, you will need your teacher’s name and the section number. This information will be found within your Idaho Digital Learning Alliance course.
  • Talk to your parents/guardian and your school Site Coordinator/counselor about Advanced Opportunities funds provided by the State of Idaho.
  • Determine whether or not to use these funds to pay for the cost of your college credits. Using Advanced Opportunity funding? Work with your school Site Coordinator/counselor to register through the state Advanced Opportunities portal.
  • Not using Advanced Opportunity funding? Provide payment to the college or university, or set up payment arrangements with the college or university

Dual Credit Partner Information

IDLA offers a wide variety of Dual Credit courses in partnership with several Idaho universities and colleges. Click on the school’s logo for information about Dual Credit Deadlines and Dual Credit Registration Process.